Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cloud Computing Pros and Cons Essay

Cloud computing is able to offer a distinct advantage to companies willing to move into this growing arena. This is not without its drawbacks. Even in the definition of Cloud Computing by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, (NIST) clear advantages exist. The definition includes the following terms: on demand self-service, ubiquitous network access, location independent resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured service. Cloud Computing: Advantages On demand self-service is a hugely important aspect of cloud computing. It allows for individuals using the service to be able to use all of the functions immediately. This ties in with the advantages of network access where you can access the functions of the cloud computing system that you are using immediately, from anywhere, on any device. The rapid elasticity is also a major advantage of cloud computing as it can be updated at the core location and then this update transfers down to the individual users, so they do not need to have a significant change on their device. Cloud computing is able to offer many distinct advantages in the business environment. Cloud computing exists in two primary forms. The first of these is using a cloud computing service to perform functions within a business. This can either be done directly by a company, or it can also be done as an outsourcing operation to another firm. The second option is when cloud computing is used as a service that can be provided directly to firms for service or to general consumers for usage in day to day life, business or not. One huge advantage of cloud computing is the ability to reduce the overall IT costs by using cloud computing versus the current systems that use the huge amount of physical servers. Without cloud computing, the amount of physical servers, computer systems, and software systems pose a huge cost to any organization attempting to do business. Without cloud computing, physical software and hardware must be purchased and maintained so that the cost of having and maintaining an IT infrastructure is drastically higher than that of having cloud a computing system. Having a traditional IT infrastructure also requires the need to have a much higher amount of either IT professionals on staff or to outsource IT professionals from another firm. This labor expense is drastically reduced in that either the entire cost is outsourced to a firm that preforms all of these operations. Cloud computing allows for a significant drop in costs from both the increased efficiency it brings in having the lowered capital cost of computers servers, and other network connections. Another way in which cloud computing is an advantage is that it is scalable. Companies or individuals using the services of a cloud computing network pay for the amount that they use. This allows for this to be a more accessible source for small businesses, which makes it an effective for both buyer and seller. Large companies also use cloud computing, as it allows them to save so many of above mentioned resources. Cloud computing also brings into effect one huge factor: Accessibility. You can use cloud computing form any device, anywhere. You do not have to install the software onto the device that you’re using. Cloud computing allows for employees to work away from work. This is not only on their home machine either. Cloud computing allows for accessibility from mobile devices, all computers connected to the internet, and anything else you can access the internet from. Cloud Computing: Disadvantages Cloud computing is a great resource that is able to change how business operate, but this does not mean that it is perfect. Cloud computing is a new system, and many people do not fully trust it. One problem that some subscribers face the possibility that if the system crashes, then your entire business could be left without usage to that service for however long this would occur for. This has huge ramifications as with a software system that is installed on all devices, if one device when down, there was only a localized problem. In using cloud computing, especially if for multiple applications, the entire service goes down a business could be without an entire series of applications necessary to their day to day function for however long it takes to get the system up and working. This, especially if utilized on a large scale, could cause massive issues. Another issue with cloud computing is how protected is your data and what happens to your data if the company you subscribe to no either goes out of business or if you no longer subscribe to them. Additionally, some uses do not like becoming dependent upon cloud computing, prescribing to the â€Å"don’t put all of your eggs in one basket† Additionally, the issue of privacy of the information bothers some, as giving all data to a company that shares data with many other companies, some of which could be competitors, could end up causing a fear of privacy. On that note as well, companies may also worry about the unethical usage of their information. The potential problems of cloud computing all mostly deal with the negativities associated with cloud computing. The first of these is the system crash. This is the most difficult problem that cloud computing faces, and it leads to a great deal of problems. The best solution would be to have some backup form in place, possibly that would run partial processes so users would not be totally left out by this problem The second problem that can be associated with cloud computing is the problem of data storage when outsourcing cloud computing to another firm. The primary way to avoid this would be to have a local back up source. This would increase the cost somewhat, but it also allows for you to have insurance that your data would not be lost. The third and final major issue with cloud computing is privacy. The maid way to implet pricacy is for the host system to be in proper working order, and to have regulations maintaining that it is ethical. Overall, cloud computing is a revolutionary ability that can change the ways companies do business and MIS. Cloud computing does have its draw backs, but they are far outweighed by the possibilities that cloud computing presents.

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